Monday, August 23, 2010

Under One Sky

Yesterday, Sunday August 22nd, was our church's big "Under One Sky" service where all the campuses and services come together at one time at a local football stadium.  After the service they had a bunch of fun things to do on the field.  Xavier made sure he tried most of it out.

Big Ball
Roller Scooters

Bounce house

Toddler Tumbler Time

There's a child fitness center in Vancouver called "Kids Club".  They have a toddler time set up in one of their rooms with big pads to climb on, bars to swing on, things to bounce on, and balls to throw and kick.  I decided to take Xavier this past Friday (August 20th) to check it out.  He had a great time being the little monkey that he is.  He's not quite to the point of really interacting with other kids besides taking balls from them, and then giving them back when I tell him to share.  But he still likes to watch them run around too.

Jamison Square

It was a hot day when Ray got home from class (Saturday August 14th), so we decided to head into Portland to check out a fountain we always see when we're at our favorite sushi restaraunt in the Pearl District.  It's called Jamison Square, and in the middle are terraces that have water coming out at each level.  At the bottom is a large grate that periodically fills up into a wadding pool for little ones to splash around in.
Xavier loved it!  There were tons of kids to interact with and lots of water to splash around in.  He had a blast, and it felt pretty good to us too.

Clark County Fair 2010

On Thursday August 12th the three of us went to the Clark County Fair with Ray's parents.  It was so much fun to watch Xavier interact with all the things around him.  He loved looking at and petting the animals.  He also loved all the yummy fair food he got...corn on the cob, corn dog, milkshake, elephant ears...Mmm mmm.

Corn on the Cob with Grandma Julia

The gang cruising the fair scene.

Petting the calf

The boys checking out the chicks

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Xavier's First Hair Cut

Yesterday (Tuesday August 3rd) Xavier got his first hair cut.  I think I was more scared than he was...His first little baby hairs going bye-bye.  I also was worried about Xavier looking like a dufus with a boxy/blunt cut like on Dumb and Dumber.  However, Rays barber, Kimberly, did an amazing job and he looks like such a big boy now.


Distracting the squirmer by combing Mom's hair


Monday, August 2, 2010

Trip to the zoo

Yesterday we took a trip to the zoo with Ray's parents.  Xavier had been there about a year ago, but was barely three months old.  It was so much fun to watch him take everything in.  He liked looking at the animals as long as they were moving.  No matter the animal, Xavier would point and call it a "Bow Wow".  This is a clip of X playing on the lion statues.  Unfortunately these were the only lions we saw.